Two real nice tractors, very well done.
More bikes rolling in.
Panoramic view, photos knitted together, cool eh. this parking lot is full.
Carol Harper from Harriston with her 2000 Honda Goldwing and Motovation sidecar, NICE.
Motovation sidecar.
So many bikes, so little time.
Two ladies are chatting about QUILTING ? ? ? what is up with that, there is a show and shine happening here !
Bob Kelly brought his little Ford.
Real cute Bob, is it for sale ?
This bike was LOADED with CHROME.
When I came back for a second look, the LED's were turned on.
And more LED's.
And even more LED's.
More bikes this month than EVER!
Hotdogs, hamburgers, and lots of cool drinks available for everyone.
Noah Macdini from Gorrie getting the feel of this little rocket. Thanks to the Martin racing team for bringing their carts.
Time to saddle up and move out.
This was such a great night.
Lets have September 9 show and shine even BIGGER.